Best Treatments for Gum Recession

Best Treatments for Gum Recession

Barotz Dental |
Best Treatments for Gum Recession

Causes of gum recession

Although periodontal disease is the primary cause of gum recession, it can also be caused by brushing your teeth too vigorously with a toothbrush that is too abrasive, by hormonal changes, smoking, grinding your teeth or a poor bite. Genetics are also believed to contribute towards 30% of gum recession cases.

Effects of gum recession

Gum recession is bad news for your overall oral health. Not only can it make your smile appear unsightly, but it can also affect the strength of your jaw bone and cause your teeth to come become loose and fall out.


Treating gum recession

The best treatment for your gum recession will depend on the severity of your condition, and is best determined by your dentist. However, there are several options available.


Scaling and planing

Mild gum recession is most commonly treated with a procedure known as tooth scaling and root planing. This is essentially a comprehensive, deep-cleaning process that removes dental tartar from the surface of the teeth and the pockets which form between the teeth and gums in cases of gum recession. It also involves smoothing out the surface of the root and removing any infected areas.

Scaling and planing is usually done under a local anesthetic, so you should not feel any pain. However, your mouth may be a little tender for a couple of days after your procedure.

Surgical treatments

If your periodontal pockets are too deep for scaling and planing to be successful, then your dentist may recommend surgical treatment. Again, there are several types of surgical treatments available and a recommendation from your dentist should help you to find the right one to improve your gum recession. All surgical procedures should be available under a local anesthetic, and a sedative may be possible depending on the services offered by your dentist.

Open flap scaling and planing

Just like regular scaling and planing, this procedure is a deep clean to remove all bacteria and infection from the gums. However, it is performed by making an incision into the gum tissue to create a flap, which is then used to access the underlying affected tissue. Small sutures are used to seal the gum tissue back in place, and your dentist may be able to use a dissolvable style, so that they do not require removal.

Soft tissue graft

Grafting is a common surgical solution for gum recession. A small amount of soft tissue is cut, often from the roof of your mouth, and then stitched to the gum tissue around the exposed root. The graft will then heal to the remaining gum, restoring the natural gum line and improving the appearance of your teeth, as well as protecting their roots.

The Vista technique

The Vista Technique was one of the first minimally invasive gum recession techniques invented. It requires only a small incision and very little suturing. The gums are lifted and coaxed into the correct position, and are then usually filled with a connective tissue graft taken from the patient’s palate.

Chao Pinhole® technique

The Chao Pinhole® technique is one of the most innovative treatments for gum recession. It is non-invasive, meaning that there are no incisions and so no sutures are required. Instead, a tiny hole is made into the gum tissue using a needle. Through this hole, special instruments are used to coax and manipulate the gum tissue into the correct position. Collagen is then inserted into the gums and they are left to heal naturally.


If you are suffering from gum recession, then prompt treatment is essential to protect the health of your teeth and restore your smile. Arrange a consultation appointment with your Barotz Dental and call 7209034370 as soon as possible.