How to Overcome Dental Anxiety and Fear

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety and Fear

Barotz Dental Total Dental Solutions | July 12, 2023
How to Overcome Dental Anxiety and Fear

Does the word “dentist” make you break out in a cold sweat? If you nodded yes, you have company. Dental anxiety and fear are challenges numerous individuals face, impacting both their oral well-being and overall happiness.

Dental Anxiety and Fear


Dental anxiety and fear are common emotions ranging from mild to severe. They can stem from various factors, such as:


  • Past negative or traumatic dental experiences

  • Fear of pain, needles, or drills

  • Fear of losing control or feeling helpless

  • Fear of embarrassment or judgment

  • Fear of the unknown or unexpected


Dental anxiety and fear can have severe oral and overall health consequences. They can prevent you from getting the dental care you need and deserve. They can also cause dental disasters like rotten teeth, bleeding gums, or missing teeth, ruining your looks, self-esteem, and happiness.


What Is Sedation Dentistry?


Sedation dentistry is a safe and gentle way to help you relax and feel calm during dental procedures. It uses various sedatives, such as pills, gases, or injections, to reduce anxiety and fear.


You can say goodbye to pain, gagging, and bad memories with sedation dentistry. You can also save time and get more done in one visit to your dentist. This can make your dental experience smooth and easy.


Sedation dentistry can help with any dental procedure, from simple cleanings to complex surgeries.


Levels of Sedation Dentistry


The dentist will choose a sedative option based on your oral health needs. Sedation options include:


  • Minimal sedation: You are alert but calm. You can respond to verbal commands and physical stimulation.

  • Moderate sedation: You are drowsy but conscious. You may only remember a little of the treatment. You can respond to verbal commands but may need physical stimulation.

  • Deep sedation: You are in a state where consciousness is at the brink, yet you remain responsive. You may not remember anything about the procedure. You can respond to repeated verbal commands or physical stimulation.

  • General anesthesia: You are completely unconscious and unresponsive. You feel nothing at all.


How to Prepare for Sedation Dentistry?


Before you use sedation dentistry for your dental procedure, you must prepare for it. Inform your dentist about any health issues you might be facing. Also, mention any medication you might be currently taking. Voice any doubts you have about sedation methods. The dentist will answer your questions and help you pick the best sedation option.


Follow your dentist’s instructions on what to eat and drink before and after your procedure. Certain sedatives might require that you fast for a few hours before your procedure.


Arrange for someone to drive you to and from your appointment and stay with you for a few hours after your procedure. You may feel groggy or sleepy after using sedatives.




Sedation dentistry can help you conquer your dental anxiety and fear and make your dental visits more enjoyable. It will allow you to get the dental care you need without stress or pain.


For more on oral health, visit Barotz Dental at our Denver, Colorado office. Call (720) 573-1500 to schedule an appointment today.